აქსესუარებიახალი ამბები

 Oh wow, Balenciaga, thank you for gracing us with your latest masterpiece

🙄 Oh wow, Balenciaga, thank you for gracing us with your latest masterpiece: packing tape jewelry! 📦💎 Because who doesn’t want to look like they just finished wrapping up their moving boxes? 🙃 Forget elegance, forget style, let’s just stick some scotch tape on our wrists and call it fashion, shall we? 😂 I’m sure the price tag will make it even more irresistible! 🤑 Keep pushing those boundaries, Balenciaga, we’re all eagerly awaiting your next avant-garde creation! #FashionForward#PackingTapeChic#NotSoSubtleSarcasm🤷‍♀️

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